Dr Sebastian Hülle

Since 2019, Dr Sebastian Hülle (Dipl.-Soz.) has been heading and coordinating module 3a „Analysis of the effects of subsidised employment according to Sections 16e and 16i SGB II regarding employability and social participation” (Analyse der Effekte geförderter Beschäftigung nach §16e und §16i SGB II auf Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und soziale Teilhabe) in the course of which the „Quality of Life and Participation” (Lebensqualität und Teilhabe) panel survey is being conducted to evaluate the Participation Opportunities Act (Teilhabechancengesetz).

He completed his studies in social sciences with a major in sociology at the University of Cologne in 2013. From 2014 to 2018, he worked as a research associate at the Sociology faculty at Bielefeld University. There, he worked in the partial project A6 „Socio-structural conditions of justice attitudes over the life-course” (Sozialstrukturelle Bedingungen von Gerechtigkeitseinstellungen über den Lebensverlauf) (PI: Stefan Liebig) in the context of which the LINOS panel was conducted. Moreover, he taught social structure analysis and social inequality research. Since 2018, Sebastian Hülle has been working in the survey unit of the Statistical Methods department of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).