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9. February 2018 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy

The Timing of Structural Labor Market Reforms Matters

, Enzo Weber

Ever since the economic and financial crises of the late 2000s – also known as the Great Recession –, demands for structural reforms to ease market regulations have been omnipresent in Europe. A ...weiterlesen

Since 2015, questions around migration and the integration of migrant men and women into the labour market, the education system and all other areas of society have moved into the centre of public ...weiterlesen

Leave policies allowing parents to take time off work after childbirth are considered an important measure to buffer the stresses associated with childrearing and gainful employment. Despite reducing ...weiterlesen

If you want to use a single indicator to understand how the German labour market compares internationally, then the employment rate is a fitting measure to use. It gives the proportion of the working ...weiterlesen

Big Data! This is the new magic word in labour market research. But what is this really about? What is the use of it? And what does it mean for data protection and the training and further training ...weiterlesen

The European network “Global mobility of employees” offers IAB a unique opportunity to transnationally co-operate with partners from academia, industry, and administration and to jointly train ...weiterlesen

  Pedro S. Martins is an expert spanning boundaries between science and politics: Martins, who is now doing research at Queen Mary University of London, was Secretary of State in the Ministry ...weiterlesen

Is the digital revolution a job-destroyer or a job-creator? How will it change traditional occupational images? In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses ...weiterlesen

In an article in the renowned Wall Street Journal of 8 September 2016 (“Germany offers a promising jobs model”), the American labour market economist Edward Lazear and the IAB researcher ...weiterlesen