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12. July 2017 | International Labour Markets

European unemployment insurance: finding the golden mean

Enzo Weber

Ever since Europe slipped into severe recession following the financial crisis in the U.S., people have been discussing how to make the European Union better equipped for such an economic collapse. ...weiterlesen

Welfare-to-work or activation policies refer to programmes aimed at promoting the employability, labour-market and social participation of benefit recipients of working age. Frontline workers ...weiterlesen

From “the sick man of Europe” to the “German job miracle”: the German labour market has been performing extraordinarily well since 2005. Even in the crisis year 2009, when ...weiterlesen

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Germany’s labour market was in such a poor state that the country was described as ’the sick man of Europe’. Since 2005, the German labour market has been ...weiterlesen

Labour markets have become more international, more interlinked.  Many employees now expect that their work will take them abroad, to new labour markets.  Likewise, labour markets like ours in ...weiterlesen