All articles in: Education and the Labour Market

Due to structural changes in the labour market, the importance of lifelong learning has become increasingly apparent. However, employees in different skill groups participate in continued training to more

Tackling the climate crisis requires a restructuring of the economy, which increases the demand for particular skills. In Germany, this increased demand is confronted with an overall scarcity of more

In the modern and highly digitalised world constant updating one’s qualifications seems inevitable. Thus the importance of lifelong education has been increasing. Despite this global trend, more

1. December 2022 |

Vocational training in Ukraine – an overview

Franziska Schreyer , Silke Anger , Tim-Felix Grabert , Olena Martyniuk

The longer Ukrainian refugees stay in their receiving countries, the more urgent questions about their integration into the local labour markets become. In this context, also the issue of which more