14. September 2017 | Interviews
All articles in: Interviews
Is the digital revolution a job-destroyer or a job-creator? How will it change traditional occupational images? In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses ...read more
1. September 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Active labour market policy in Germany: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
Active labour market policy plays an important role in Germany. In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses its underlying principles such as the idea of ...read more
16. August 2017 | Education and Chances of Employment
The dual apprenticeship system in Germany: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
Youth unemployment in Germany is very low by international standards. In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller attributes this success to three factors: the favourable ...read more
3. August 2017 | International Labour Markets
Refugees and migration in Germany: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
In recent years, Germany has taken in a great number of people who abandoned their home countries fleeing from the war, political persecution and economic hardship. In 2015, the number of those who ...read more
20. July 2017 | Wages and Employment
The German minimum wage: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
After many years of debates, 2015 saw the introduction of a statutory minimum wage of € 8.50 per hour (€ 8.84 since 2017) in Germany. While opponents of the minimum wage predicted negative ...read more
30. June 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
The German job miracle: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
From “the sick man of Europe” to the “German job miracle”: the German labour market has been performing extraordinarily well since 2005. Even in the crisis year 2009, when ...read more