15. September 2022 | Series "Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis"
Series “Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis”
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An economic downturn as a consequence of the Covid-19 crisis is a risk for young people. They are an especially vulnerable group in the labour market, often hit particularly hard by unemployment and job insecurity. The consequences of long periods of unemployment include income disadvantages and fewer opportunities on the labour market, as well as physical and psychological stress. These impacts first appear at an individual level. If risk factors and demographic factors concentrate geographically, the precarious situation of young people in the labour market affects social life in the communities.
Dynamics of youth unemployment in the Covid-19 crisis and their causes are being researched by the IAB in the context of the project “Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis”. Together with the University College London and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the researchers compare the situation of young people in the British and German labour markets in a European context.
In the IAB Forum series “Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis” researchers present the latest research results from this project. The series will include articles on the psychological stress of unemployment, on happiness, on long-term income loss, or on Covid-19 effects on vocational education and training. The researchers will also address programmes to combat youth unemployment and make suggestions for labour market policy countermeasures.
Series "Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis"
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22. December 2021 | Series "Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis"
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In general, economic downturns have a greater impact on young people in the labour market than on other age groups. How does the contemporary Covid-19 crisis compare to the global financial crisis a ...read more
4. August 2021 | Series "Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis"
Youth unemployment in Germany and the United Kingdom in times of Covid-19
The article focusses on youth joblessness in times of the Covid-19 crisis in Germany and the United Kingdom. ...read more