19. October 2017 | Interviews
All articles in: International Labour Markets
Pedro S. Martins is an expert spanning boundaries between science and politics: Martins, who is now doing research at Queen Mary University of London, was Secretary of State in the Ministry ...read more
24. August 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Recent book publication: Productivity Puzzles Across Europe
The economic shock of the financial crisis rivalled that of the Great Depression following the Wall Street Crash of 1929 in terms of the decline in economic output across the world. However, the ...read more
3. August 2017 | International Labour Markets
Refugees and migration in Germany: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
In recent years, Germany has taken in a great number of people who abandoned their home countries fleeing from the war, political persecution and economic hardship. In 2015, the number of those who ...read more
12. July 2017 | International Labour Markets
European unemployment insurance: finding the golden mean
Ever since Europe slipped into severe recession following the financial crisis in the U.S., people have been discussing how to make the European Union better equipped for such an economic collapse. ...read more
7. July 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
New book publication: Frontline Delivery of Welfare-to-Work Policies in Europe
Welfare-to-work or activation policies refer to programmes aimed at promoting the employability, labour-market and social participation of benefit recipients of working age. Frontline workers ...read more