13. September 2018 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
All articles in: Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Platform work is increasing worldwide, leaving a serious lack of social protection. In spite of the international and flexible character of platform work, extending social security is feasible – if ...read more
14. June 2018 |
Codetermination losing ground
Like collective bargaining coverage, codetermination is becoming less and less significant in German companies. Only a minority of employees, especially in East Germany, work in companies with a ...read more
4. June 2018 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Binding collective agreements: The downward trend continues
Wages and working conditions are negotiated between employers and employees. Collective agreements provide both parties with an institutional framework to that end. But in the last few years, ...read more
9. February 2018 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
The Timing of Structural Labor Market Reforms Matters
Ever since the economic and financial crises of the late 2000s – also known as the Great Recession –, demands for structural reforms to ease market regulations have been omnipresent in Europe. A ...read more
26. January 2018 | International Labour Markets
The flow of migrants to Germany and their integration into the labour market
Since 2015, questions around migration and the integration of migrant men and women into the labour market, the education system and all other areas of society have moved into the centre of public ...read more
21. December 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Longer maternity leave – healthier mothers?
Leave policies allowing parents to take time off work after childbirth are considered an important measure to buffer the stresses associated with childrearing and gainful employment. Despite reducing ...read more
1. September 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Active labour market policy in Germany: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
Active labour market policy plays an important role in Germany. In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses its underlying principles such as the idea of ...read more
24. August 2017 | Labour Market, Employment and Social Policy
Recent book publication: Productivity Puzzles Across Europe
The economic shock of the financial crisis rivalled that of the Great Depression following the Wall Street Crash of 1929 in terms of the decline in economic output across the world. However, the ...read more
14. July 2017 | Labour Market Trends and Forecasts
Digitalising the economy: The future of employment and qualification in Germany
The new complex and intelligent digitalisation poses a significant challenge to the economies and the labour markets. In this context, the underlying article discusses the future of employment and ...read more