All articles about: international trade 

20. April 2022 | International Labour Markets

The war in Ukraine, international trade and price effects on the German economy

Kamal Kassam , Ignat Stepanok

Russia’s exports account for a large share of world trade in a few goods and commodities classes. These are most notably nickel, fertilisers, mineral fuels and mineral oils, cereals and wood. Their more

2. October 2020 | International Labour Markets

Germany’s trade with China at the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic

Ignat Stepanok

Studying trade flows between China and Germany in February 2020 gives a clear picture of what happens when a major shock affects a single trading partner. more

15. April 2020 | International Labour Markets

German Exports to the UK: declining since the Brexit referendum in 2016

Ignat Stepanok , Sekou Keita

The rules defining trade between Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) have not changed despite Brexit. Nevertheless, there is a clear downward trend in German exports of goods to the UK since the more

23. May 2019 | International Labour Markets

Protectionism and the argument for creating jobs at home

Ignat Stepanok

In the political debate, trade protectionism has been frequently associated with keeping and increasing the number of jobs at home. The argument is, however, not so simple, since international trade more