All articles about: vocational training 

17. June 2024 | Interviews

A broad field: Silke Anger and Bernd Fitzenberger on the importance of educational research at IAB

Martin Schludi

Educational research is an essential part of labour market and occupational research. At IAB, it is primarily, but by no means exclusively, conducted in the research unit “Education, Training, and more

12. June 2024 | Digital and ecological transformation

Vocational training: Occupations with green skills are in high demand

Udo Brixy , Markus Janser , Andreas Mense

Tackling the climate crisis requires a restructuring of the economy, which increases the demand for particular skills. In Germany, this increased demand is confronted with an overall scarcity of more

1. December 2022 | Education and the Labour Market

Vocational training in Ukraine – an overview

Franziska Schreyer , Silke Anger , Tim-Felix Grabert , Olena Martyniuk

The longer Ukrainian refugees stay in their receiving countries, the more urgent questions about their integration into the local labour markets become. In this context, also the issue of which more

15. October 2021 | Groups of Persons

Not all wishes come true: the occupational compromises youths accept when entering vocational training

Lea Ahrens , Melanie Fischer , Corinna Kleinert , Brigitte Schels

Youths often accept compromises when choosing vocational training since they navigate between personal interests and market conditions. The discrepancy between occupational aspirations at school and more