1. July 2024 | Interviews

“Working on national topics and being part of the international research community go very well together”

Christiane Keitel

The IAB is also becoming more and more international. Yuliya Kosyakova and Bernd Fitzenberger talk about opportunities, successes and challenges. ...read more

17. June 2024 | Interviews

A broad field: Silke Anger and Bernd Fitzenberger on the importance of educational research at IAB

Martin Schludi

Silke Anger and IAB Director Bernd Fitzenberger provide insights into educational research at the IAB and outline the urgent need for political action. ...read more

14. May 2024 | Interviews

“Locations where new work creation has been larger were also locations where employment levels grew more quickly”

Max Gerber, Jutta Winters

In this Interview, Giovanni Peri delves into the concept of new work, its significant impact on employment growth, and offers actionable insights. ...read more

12. May 2024 | Digital and ecological transformation

Vocational training: Occupations with green skills are in high demand

Udo Brixy, Markus Janser, Andreas Mense

Tackling the climate crisis requires a restructuring of the economy, which increases the demand for particular skills. In Germany, this increased demand is confronted with an overall scarcity of skilled labour. Vocational training for occupations with green skills may help to fill part of this gap. ...read more

2. May 2024 | video

Pioneers in world-class data access: Moving the frontier in labor data from 2004 to 2024

Max Gerber, Jutta Winters

The Federal Employment Agency’s Research Data Centre (FDZ) at the IAB recently marked its 20th anniversary, a milestone celebrated with a keynote address by labor economist Till von Wachter. ...read more