All articles published so far

The authors analyse international reform perspectives of the German basic income system. ...weiterlesen

21. November 2019 | Labour Market Trends and Forecasts

Scarcity drives employment growth

Sabine Klinger , Enzo Weber

What is driving Germany’s continued upturn in employment? It has been a while since Hartz reforms and business cycles have lost much of their importance for the labour market. Decisive for the ...weiterlesen

Regina Konle-Seidl explains the concept of chronic unemployment in Denmark, Finland, and Germany in this video interview. ...weiterlesen

More and more companies and administrations offer their employees working time accounts. Between 1999 and 2016, the proportion of companies using this instrument has almost doubled. Above all, models ...weiterlesen

For many mini-jobber it has not been worthwhile to work longer hours up to now. This is a serious obstacle for securing a sustainable supply of skilled workers. A well-thought-out reform completed in ...weiterlesen

The report presents a summary of the workshop "The gender wage gap in Europe: What can we learn from linked employer-employee data?". ...weiterlesen

Professor Enzo Weber presents his concept of Digital Social Security in this video interview and explains the first steps to put the concept into ...weiterlesen

23. May 2019 | International Labour Markets

Protectionism and the argument for creating jobs at home

Ignat Stepanok

In the political debate, trade protectionism has been frequently associated with keeping and increasing the number of jobs at home. The argument is, however, not so simple, since international trade ...weiterlesen

Regina Konle-Seidl, researcher at the IAB in Nuremberg, compares in our video interview policies and practices to faciliate labour market integration of migrants in Austria, Germany, and Sweden. She ...weiterlesen