All articles published so far

In the modern and highly digitalised world constant updating one’s qualifications seems inevitable. Thus the importance of lifelong education has been increasing. Despite this global trend, ...weiterlesen

Professor Gabriela Spanghero Lotta explores the dynamics of citizen-state interactions in Latin America, outlines the role of frontline workers in dealing with situations of vulnerability, and ...weiterlesen

Adverse effects on workers’ employment situation are highly unequal for different groups. Young workers were particularly affected by the pandemic. They were less likely to receive short-time ...weiterlesen

15. December 2023 | International and Regional Labour Markets

Recent Developments in the Distribution of Labour Income and Skills

Lutz Bellmann

Contributing to a better understanding of wage determination and wage distribution as well as job skills – that was the aim of the international conference “Recent Developments in Wage ...weiterlesen

Professor Filiz Garip from Princeton University talks in this interview about climate change, migration, and inequality. ...weiterlesen

For many years, Germany has been facing an increasing skills shortage in key occupations and has sought to attract a growing number of highly-skilled immigrants. In striving for this goal, Germany is ...weiterlesen

The Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes (ELMI) held its first conference in Luxembourg on 30 and 31 October 2023. The event brought together leading national and international ...weiterlesen

During the Covid-19-crisis Australia quickly introduced the “JobKeeper scheme” – a large scale and easy to implement wage subsidy program to keep firms and employees together. However, ...weiterlesen

On average, women earn less than men. So far, gender-specific application behaviour has received little attention in this context. It can, however, explain a considerable part of the gender earnings ...weiterlesen