25. October 2023 | Social Inequality, Joblessness and Social Inclusion
All articles published so far
On average, women earn less than men. So far, gender-specific application behaviour has received little attention in this context. It can, however, explain a considerable part of the gender earnings ...weiterlesen
30. August 2023 | Interviews
“Eviction creates Poverty”
In an interview Matthew Desmond, Professor of Sociology at Princeton University, gives insights into the situation of renters in the US, shows the consequences of the eviction crisis to society and ...weiterlesen
14. August 2023 | Research Data and Methods
The IAB-LinkedIn Reallocation Radar: “Great Resignation” is not a trend
The Great Resignation debate suggests that during the coronavirus crisis, workers would have increasingly switched the industry in which they were previously employed. This is not the case for ...weiterlesen
17. July 2023 | International perspectives on applying short-time work during the Covid-19 crisis
“At the peak of the Covid-19 crisis, short-time work covered one in five jobs across the OECD – ten times more than at the height of the global financial crisis”
Alexander Hijzen, a senior economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), gives an overview of the country-specific application of short-time work during the Covid-19 ...weiterlesen
27. June 2023 | International perspectives on applying short-time work during the Covid-19 crisis
“Short-Time Compensation is underutilized in the United States”
During the Covid-19 pandemic, governments around the world responded with a variety of labor market policy tools to prevent job losses. The United States focused primarily on two such programs: ...weiterlesen
5. June 2023 | International Labour Markets
Alan Manning: “It is important to have institutions such as the minimum wage to adress the market power of employers”
Professor Alan Manning, one of the world’s most renowned labour market economists, explains in this video-statement the basic idea of imperfect competition in the labour market. He elaborates ...weiterlesen
16. May 2023 | Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
“At the peak, 40 percent of the French labour force were on short-time work”
In France, just like in many other European countries, short-time work has proved to be a powerful tool to prevent massive layoffs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The traditional French short-time work ...weiterlesen
9. May 2023 | Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
“Over one million temporary workers lost their jobs at the beginning of the pandemic, as companies preferred not to include them in short-time work schemes”
Spain used a short-time work scheme called “Expediente Temporal de Regulación de Empleo” during the Covid-19 crisis. In this interview, Marcel Jansen, Associate Professor of Economics at the ...weiterlesen
11. April 2023 | Interviews
ELMI: “Exchange often brings about entirely different ideas and projects one has not thought about before”
In the autumn of 2022, eleven European institutes for labour research established the “Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes” (ELMI). In this interview, the project’s ...weiterlesen