All articles published so far

25. January 2021 | Labour Market Trends and Forecasts

Smoothing labour market transitions in times of crisis and beyond

Jutta Winters

The IAB hosted the interdisciplinary conference “Labour Market Transitions: Challenges for Public Policies and Research” where researchers and policy makers discussed labour market transitions ...weiterlesen

IAB-Director risks a glance at the labour market after the Covid-19 crisis in a series of video interviews. ...weiterlesen

The corona crisis has impacted the German economy and labour market much more heavily than the financial crisis of 2009. Nevertheless, the number of layoffs has so far been limited compared to the ...weiterlesen

The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic affect gainfully employed students in their academic progress due to the cancellation of on-site classes and in terms financial distress due to lost student ...weiterlesen

20. October 2020 | International Labour Markets

Launch of the “European Labour Market Barometer“

Enzo Weber , Christian Hutter

The new "European Labour Market Barometer" reflects the expected short-term development of unemployment and employment in the European labour ...weiterlesen

Studying trade flows between China and Germany in February 2020 gives a clear picture of what happens when a major shock affects a single trading partner. ...weiterlesen

Participation in vocational further training is unequally distributed among different groups. Migrants daughters often participate in further training. Men, who immigrated themselves, seldom take ...weiterlesen

The extent to which jobs in the German federal state could be replaced by digitisation largely depends on sectoral and occupational structure in the region. ...weiterlesen

9. July 2020 | Series "Covid-19 crisis: consequences for the labour market"

What helps the “ka-boom”? Five elements of a sound economic stimulus programme for Germany

Bernd Fitzenberger

The German Bundestag and Bundesrat passed a Coronavirus Tax Relief Act on 29 June 2020 that involves the first key elements of a large scale economic recovery programme, designed to get the German ...weiterlesen