11. April 2023 | Interviews
All articles in: Interviews
In the autumn of 2022, eleven European institutes for labour research established the “Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes” (ELMI). In this interview, the project’s ...read more
8. March 2023 | International perspectives on applying short-time work during the Covid-19 crisis
“Extended coverage and benefit duration boosted the role of short-time work in Italy during the Covid-19 crisis”
In many European countries, short-time work proved to be a strong measure to combat massive layoffs during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the case of Italy, a scheme widely used in former times of crisis ...read more
2. March 2023 | Interviews
“Refugees from Ukraine face considerable uncertainty about their future”
More than one million people have fled Ukraine to find refuge in Germany. But how are they doing in the meantime? Between August and October 2022, the IAB together with three project partners ...read more
28. February 2023 | International perspectives on applying short-time work during the Covid-19 crisis
“Short-time work proved to be a highly effective instrument in times of crisis.”
In Germany, short-time work has played a crucial role in stabilising the labour market both in the financial and the coronavirus crisis. At the same time, the administration of short-time allowance ...read more
28. September 2022 | Interviews
What will the labour market of the future look like?
Interview with IAB director Bernd Fitzenberger on the effects of the current crises on the labour market of the future. ...read more
24. June 2022 | Interviews
“We see good integration prospects for Ukrainian refugees”
The interview compares the integration of Urkainian refugees into the German labour market and society with the integration of Syrian refugees in 2015. ...read more
8. March 2022 | Interviews
Work and family in times of lockdown: a step backwards for women?
In spring 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic paralysed public life in many countries. Schools and daycare facilities closed. Many men and women started working from home or switched to short-time work. The ...read more
21. December 2020 | Series "Covid-19 crisis: consequences for the labour market"
The post-pandemic labour market. Video interviews with IAB Director Bernd Fitzenberger
IAB-Director risks a glance at the labour market after the Covid-19 crisis in a series of video interviews. ...read more
25. June 2020 | Series "Covid-19 crisis: consequences for the labour market"
Short-time work in Europe: Rescue in the coronavirus crisis? An interview with IAB researcher Regina Konle-Seidl
IAB researcher Regina Konle-Seidl presents in this interview her research results on short-time work in Europe in the Corona ...read more