The Federal Employment Agency’s Research Data Centre (FDZ) at the IAB recently marked its 20th anniversary, a milestone celebrated with a keynote address by labor economist Till von Wachter. Reflecting on two decades of pioneering data access and research support, von Wachter highlighted the critical role the FDZ has played in shaping labor market policies both in Germany and globally.

In his opening remarks, von Wachter credited the FDZ with providing access to unique data sets that have enabled extensive research into employment histories and employer data. This data has been instrumental in numerous studies that have influenced understanding and policymaking in labor markets worldwide. “Congratulations to Dana and the entire IAB team on which the FDZ is built,” von Wachter applauded. He recalled the early days when he helped develop pioneering data sets with Stefan Bender, which are still highly utilized today.

It’s emotional for me to be here.

Portraitbild von Till von Wachter

Till Marco von Wachter is Professor of Economics at the University of Calfornia, Los Angeles.

Von Wachter, who has been deeply involved with the FDZ since his academic beginnings, expressed a profound emotional connection to the institution. “I am truly thrilled to be here, nearly 20 years since I first stepped into this building,” he stated, noting the significant advancements made since his last presentation in around 2004. His journey with the FDZ began in 2000, and witnessing its growth had been deeply moving. “It’s emotional for me to be here,” he confessed.

Highlighting the efficiency of the FDZ compared to other data centers, von Wachter pointed out the streamlined processes at the FDZ that allow researchers rapid access to complex data. “From my position as a census director at the RDC director at UCLA, I often face bureaucratic delays of 6 to 12 months, which is not the case here,” he noted, emphasizing the superior data access at the FDZ.

The ability for remote data access is a game-changer.

The FDZ has been pivotal in fostering international collaborations, significantly impacting labor market research across the globe. Von Wachter mentioned the expansion of the FDZ’s international footprint with branches in six countries, celebrating its global reach and the collaborative efforts that have broadened its influence.

Von Wachter praised the technological strides made by the FDZ, especially the introduction of remote access capabilities which have greatly expanded the accessibility of FDZ’s services. “The ability for remote data access is a game-changer, ensuring that the FDZ stays ahead in providing efficient, secure data access,” he highlighted.

As we look forward, investing in core labor data will remain crucial.

Looking to the future, von Wachter discussed the evolving data needs driven by global economic changes and technological advancements. He emphasized the need for FDZ to continue adapting and innovating to meet these challenges effectively. “As we look forward, investing in core labor data will remain crucial,” he advised, expressing the need for continued evolution to maintain the FDZ’s leading edge.

The 20th-anniversary celebration of the FDZ not only commemorated past achievements but also set a visionary path forward. As the FDZ continues to evolve, its role in shaping labor market research and policy remains indispensable. Von Wachter’s reflections provided both a historical perspective and a forward-looking vision, affirming the FDZ’s crucial position at the intersection of data and labor market dynamics.


You can find the full video of the keynote speech on the IAB YouTube channel:

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Personal details

Till Marco von Wachter is Professor of Economics at the University of Calfornia, Los Angeles, Faculty Director at California Policy Lab UCLA and Director of the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (RDC). His research fields or interests are Labor Economics, Economics of Aging, Personnel Economics, and Macroeconomics.

More about the FDZ

Located in the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) was founded in 2004 with the aim of improving the exchange of information between research and statistics. Its mission is to make access to BA and IAB microdata transparent and standardised for the purpose of non-commercial empirical research.

The FDZ not only provides access to data, it also helps researchers select, access and handle data. The FDZ’s consulting services include analysis options, range and validity of the data. A total of 1,409 researchers made use of the FDZ’s data products in the second half of 2023. The FDZ is not only a provider of data, however: it also conducts empirical research itself. Its focus here is on topics such as the linking of process and survey data, the internationalisation of data access, and content analyses relating to labour market research.

The FDZ promotes cooperation with national and international research institutions. It now has 20 locations with data access points in seven countries. In addition to Germany, these are the USA, France, England, Luxemburg, Canada, Spain and Poland.

DOI:  10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240502.02

Gerber, Max; Winters, Jutta (2024): Pioneers in world-class data access: Moving the frontier in labor data from 2004 to 2024, In: IAB-Forum 2nd of May 2024,, Retrieved: 26th of March 2025


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