3. August 2017 | International Labour Markets
Refugees and migration in Germany: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
In recent years, Germany has taken in a great number of people who abandoned their home countries fleeing from the war, political persecution and economic hardship. In 2015, the number of those who fled to Germany amounted to almost one million which is a historic record high. Integration of these people into the labour market poses a massive challenge for the country. In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller gives an overview of the results of a large-scale refugee survey, and discusses the prospects of integration of those who fled to Germany into the German labour market, as well as the impact on the labour market status of the native population.
This video is the third interview of a series of interviews with Joachim Möller that address selected aspects of the labour market in Germany (the German job miracle; the German minimum wage; refugees and migration; young people; active labour market policy; and the digital revolution).
The interview was conducted by Hannah Ormerod.
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