25. March 2025 | Labour Market Policy
All articles about: employment
When Germany introduced its federal statutory minimum wage of 8.50 euro in 2015, it marked a major shift in labour policy. Fast forward to 2025, and the minimum wage is now 12.82 euro. Given annual ...read more
23. December 2024 | Erwerbsbeteiligung, Armut und Sozialpolitik
Subsidised jobs for the long-term unemployed: An evaluation of the German Participation Opportunities Act
Long-term unemployment remains a significant challenge for the German labour market. The IAB evaluated two programmes that had been introduced in response. The instruments aim at giving long-term ...read more
19. July 2024 | Groups of Persons
An international comparison of the employment situation among older people: “Germany has caught up considerably”
In many developed countries the baby boomers are gradually reaching retirement age. This creates challenges for both labour supply and pension systems. At the same time, it is not a given that older ...read more
15. September 2022 | Groups of Persons
Unemployment and the mental health of young people during the second phase of the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany
Young adults are tomorrow’s workforce in times of aggravating skill shortage. Their mental health and well-being decide over their labour market success and influence the future development of the ...read more
18. June 2020 | Education and Chances of Employment
What do we know about the employment of refugees in Germany? Answers to some frequently asked questions.
In this interview, the authors Herbert Brücker and Yuliya Kosyakova answer key questions on the employment of refugees in Germany. ...read more
20. July 2017 | Interviews
The German minimum wage: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller
After many years of debates, 2015 saw the introduction of a statutory minimum wage of € 8.50 per hour (€ 8.84 since 2017) in Germany. While opponents of the minimum wage predicted negative ...read more