All articles about: European Union 

28. November 2023 | International and Regional Labour Markets

Easy come, easy go: Return migration increases with tax incentives in the home country

Jacopo Bassetto , Guiseppe Ippedico

For many years, Germany has been facing an increasing skills shortage in key occupations and has sought to attract a growing number of highly-skilled immigrants. In striving for this goal, Germany is more

27. November 2023 | International and Regional Labour Markets

ELMI conference: Navigating Digital, Green and Social Transitions in European Labour Markets

Jutta Winters

The Network of European Labour Market Research Institutes (ELMI) held its first conference in Luxembourg on 30 and 31 October 2023. The event brought together leading national and international more

25. June 2020 | International Labour Markets

Short-time work in Europe: Rescue in the coronavirus crisis? An interview with IAB researcher Regina Konle-Seidl

Jutta Winters

IAB researcher Regina Konle-Seidl presents in this interview her research results on short-time work in Europe in the Corona more

1. December 2017 | International Labour Markets

The German Employment Performance in an International Context

Thomas Rhein , Enzo Weber

If you want to use a single indicator to understand how the German labour market compares internationally, then the employment rate is a fitting measure to use. It gives the proportion of the working more

12. July 2017 | International Labour Markets

European unemployment insurance: finding the golden mean

Enzo Weber

Ever since Europe slipped into severe recession following the financial crisis in the U.S., people have been discussing how to make the European Union better equipped for such an economic collapse. more