All articles about: technological change 

14. June 2024 | Interviews

“Locations where new work creation has been larger were also locations where employment levels grew more quickly”

Max Gerber , Jutta Winters

Professor Giovanni Peri, a renowned economist from the University of California, will give a Special Lecture at the IAB on 20 June 2024. He will share his research on the rise of new work in the US, more

28. October 2022 | Digital and ecological transformation

TASKS VI conference on the digital and ecological transformation of the labour market

Melanie Arntz , Kathrin Ehmann , Florian Lehmer

The labour market undergoes fundamental technological and ecological changes – all this on top of the Covid-19 crisis. Researchers from all over the world and from various disciplines discussed the more

14. September 2017 | Interviews

The impact of the digital revolution on the labour market: an interview with IAB Director Joachim Möller

Is the digital revolution a job-destroyer or a job-creator? How will it change traditional occupational images? In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses more